A graphics library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCameraImplements orbit and pan camera movement
 CCapsuleDraw a capsule mesh
 CCubeDraw a cube mesh
 CCylinderDraw a cylinder mesh
 CImageImplements loading, modifying, and saving RGBA images
 CLineMeshBase class for meshes
 CMeshBase class for meshes
 CPixelHolder for a RGBA color
 CPlaneDraw a plane mesh
 CPointMeshBase class for drawing large numbers of points
 CPyramidDraw a pyramid mesh
 CRendererDraws meshes to the screen using shaders
 CSphereDraw a sphere mesh
 CTeapotDraw a teapot mesh
 CTorusDraw a torus mesh
 CTriangleMeshBase class for indexed triangle meshes
 CWindowManages the window and user input