A graphics library
▼Nagl | |
CCamera | Implements orbit and pan camera movement |
CCapsule | Draw a capsule mesh |
CCube | Draw a cube mesh |
CCylinder | Draw a cylinder mesh |
CImage | Implements loading, modifying, and saving RGBA images |
CLineMesh | Base class for meshes |
CMesh | Base class for meshes |
CPixel | Holder for a RGBA color |
CPlane | Draw a plane mesh |
CPointMesh | Base class for drawing large numbers of points |
CPyramid | Draw a pyramid mesh |
CRenderer | Draws meshes to the screen using shaders |
CSkyBox | |
CSphere | Draw a sphere mesh |
CTeapot | Draw a teapot mesh |
CTorus | Draw a torus mesh |
CTriangleMesh | Base class for indexed triangle meshes |
CWindow | Manages the window and user input |