A graphics library
A graphics library

Small, easy to use C++ library for 3D drawing, based on openGL.

CMake windows ubuntu


The goal of this project is to create an api that makes it easy to write 3D graphics demos in C++. This library supports my teaching and research (and so the api still changes frequently!). The design goals of this project are:

  • To make common tasks easy, e.g. drawing primitives, loading textures, defining shaders
  • To make less common tasks possible
  • To support fast prototyping and experimentation

For example, the following program draws a sphere with phong shading

#include "agl/window.h"
class MyWindow : public agl::Window {
void draw() {
int main() {
MyWindow window;;


How to build

The source repository is here.

Tools and dependencies

To get started, you will need a C++ development environment, git, cmake. To build, you will also need to several dependencies.

  • GLEW: Needed for accessing openGL 4.0 features
  • GLFW: Implements our window and user interaction events, such as mouse and keyboard
  • GLM: Implements useful vector and matrix functionality for graphics
  • STB: Needed for loading images
  • GLTF: Needed for loading models


On windows, you will need to have a C++ build environment, git and cmake installed. If you do not have a C++ compiler on windows, you can use the community version of visual studio.

Important!! During installation, select: Desktop development with C++


The dependencies, such as GLEW, GLFW, and GLM, are included in this repository under /external.


On macOS, you should have git and a C++ compiler from running command xcode-select --install. To install cmake, glew, and glfw, you can use brew.

  • brew install cmake
  • brew install glew
  • brew install glfw3

GLM is included with this repository but you can also install it using the instructions here. Other dependencies are included in /external.


On linux, you can install many of the necessary tools and dependencies using apt-get.

  • sudo apt-get install cmake
  • sudo apt-get install git
  • brew install glfw3


Compiling and running


On windows, use cmake to build either makefiles or a visual studio project. And then build from there.

From terminal (either git bash or powershell):

agl $ mkdir build
agl $ cd build
agl/build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..
agl/build $ start AGL.sln

After building all source, you can run either from visual studio or the command line:

agl/build $ ../bin/Debug/sphere.exe


Open terminal to the directory containing this repository.

agl $ mkdir build
agl $ cd build
agl/build $ cmake ..
agl/build $ make
agl/build $ ../bin/sphere
