A graphics library
This is the complete list of members for agl::Renderer, including all inherited members.
beginRenderTexture(const std::string &targetName) | agl::Renderer | |
beginShader(const std::string &shaderName) | agl::Renderer | |
blendMode(BlendMode mode) | agl::Renderer | |
cameraPosition() const | agl::Renderer | |
capsule() | agl::Renderer | |
cleanup() | agl::Renderer | |
cleanupShaders() | agl::Renderer | |
cone() | agl::Renderer | |
cube() | agl::Renderer | |
cubemap(const std::string &uniformName, const std::string &texName) | agl::Renderer | |
cylinder() | agl::Renderer | |
endRenderTexture() | agl::Renderer | |
endShader() | agl::Renderer | |
fontColor(const glm::vec4 &color) | agl::Renderer | |
fontSize(int s) | agl::Renderer | |
identity() | agl::Renderer | |
init() | agl::Renderer | |
initialized() const | agl::Renderer | |
line(const glm::vec3 &p1, const glm::vec3 &p2, const glm::vec3 &c1, const glm::vec3 &c2) | agl::Renderer | |
loadCubemap(const std::string &name, const std::string &dir, int slot) | agl::Renderer | |
loadCubemap(const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &names, int slot) | agl::Renderer | |
loadCubemap(const std::string &name, const std::vector< Image > &images, int slot) | agl::Renderer | |
loadRenderTexture(const std::string &name, int slot, int width, int height) (defined in agl::Renderer) | agl::Renderer | |
loadShader(const std::string &name, const std::string &vs, const std::string &fs) | agl::Renderer | |
loadTexture(const std::string &name, const std::string &filename, int slot) | agl::Renderer | |
loadTexture(const std::string &name, const Image &img, int slot) | agl::Renderer | |
lookAt(const glm::vec3 &lookfrom, const glm::vec3 &lookat, const glm::vec3 &up=glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) | agl::Renderer | |
mesh(const Mesh &m) | agl::Renderer | |
ortho(float minx, float maxx, float miny, float maxy, float minz, float maxz) | agl::Renderer | |
perspective(float fovRadians, float aspect, float near, float far) | agl::Renderer | |
plane() | agl::Renderer | |
pop() | agl::Renderer | |
projectionMatrix() const | agl::Renderer | inline |
push() | agl::Renderer | |
Renderer() (defined in agl::Renderer) | agl::Renderer | |
rotate(float angleRad, const glm::vec3 &axis) | agl::Renderer | |
scale(const glm::vec3 &xyz) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, float x, float y, float z) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, float x, float y, float z, float w) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, const glm::vec2 &v) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, const glm::vec3 &v) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, const glm::vec4 &v) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, const glm::mat4 &m) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, const glm::mat3 &m) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, float val) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, int val) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, bool val) | agl::Renderer | |
setUniform(const std::string &name, GLuint val) | agl::Renderer | |
skybox(float size=10.0) | agl::Renderer | |
sphere() | agl::Renderer | |
sprite(const glm::vec3 &pos, const glm::vec4 &color, float size) | agl::Renderer | |
teapot() | agl::Renderer | |
text(const std::string &text, float x, float y) | agl::Renderer | |
textHeight() | agl::Renderer | |
texture(const std::string &uniformName, const std::string &textureName) | agl::Renderer | |
textWidth(const std::string &text) | agl::Renderer | |
torus() | agl::Renderer | |
transform(const glm::mat4 &trs) | agl::Renderer | |
translate(const glm::vec3 &xyz) | agl::Renderer | |
viewMatrix() const | agl::Renderer | inline |
~Renderer() (defined in agl::Renderer) | agl::Renderer | virtual |